Sometimes I think about baby rooms. I do not have a child and I am not pregnant, but you know... who doesn't think about the future, right? Especially if it involves pretty things.
Today I had the idea that if I have a little boy someday I would really love to find a poster or movie still from The Red Balloon. So perfect.
When I first searched, I found this beautiful image, but it's actually not from the 1956 classic. It's from a newer movie called Flight of the Red Balloon.A lovely image, but I don't know if I would have permission to make a poster out of it. (from
This is mostly what I could find in the way of posters. Not exactly what I was imagining, but it might do.
I've also considered getting the book and framing a page (or a few) from that.
I like this as something fun and whimsical, but not too baby-ish. Well, maybe it is... I can't really picture a teenage boy with a red balloon poster in his room...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Getting Back to Homes
Posted by Chelsea at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Before I even got to know you...
Domino magazine is closing. I am not as heartbroken as many other female bloggers out there, because I've actually never read the magazine. Magazines are something I rarely indulge in with our budget. I have my blogs, so I know enough about Domino to say that I really did want to get into that magazine eventually. I liked what I saw online, shared by others.
So yesterday I bought the January issue. I've thumbed through it a bit, but not enough to give my opinion. Pretty colors, promising headlines (especially the one about organization), it does seem like my kind of magazine.
A few thoughts:
I kind of wonder if, as someone commenting on Design*Sponge said, "I guess websites just make more sense in the 21st century, but I still like being able to look at the visuals and read articles in magazines… at least some of the time."
However, an article I read said this," In this group, the competition is always keen to see who could be the first to get the next issue of Domino and post photos from the edition."
So, could it have been cursed by the internet and readers posting pictures and ideas from it, so people like me didn't have to ever buy the magazine, but could get a taste of it? Obviously, people are not posting everything from Domino online, and the economy is not helping anyone (hello temp agency for me). Just a thought I had. Oh well, at least we have the book. I sure hope that doesn't go out of print. Also, the magazine will be published through March.
Posted by Chelsea at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: Design
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
OK, so now that I got that little pale rant out of the way, here is a website I found. Full of great information about skin types and what products will work best for those. Also a list of the ten best drugstore sunless tanners (I'm sure that's all I'll buy).
Yay for For all your "healthy glow" needs.
Posted by Chelsea at 1:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Beauty
Winter White
I am a pale person. I used to tan easily as a child. My parents took us to the beach often (I lived for half of my childhood in southern California) and when we moved to Arizona, the rest of my siblings and I begged my parents to buy a house with a pool.
My dad is Mexican, but currently, from looking at me, one would NEVER guess that. I am not sure where my veritable fear of the sun started but I am serious about sun protection. I always remind myself that it causes wrinkles and ages your skin - because seriously, that probably motivates me more than cancer. Well, ok, not really. But I think that is what stops me from letting myself get even a little bit of color.
Anyway, right now most people are somewhat pale. It is winter after all. But I am starting to think that I am too pale. I left the house yesterday feeling pretty confident about my make up and the way I looked. But when I was in Wal-Mart and I caught a few glimpses of myself - wow. Pale and just unhealthy-looking. Let me just say that I hate that. People saying I should get a little "healthy color". Tan is not healthy. Pale skin is more healthy, as long as the rest of your health is fine, that is. But yesterday at the store, I saw what they meant. I am not just pale. I am translucent, absence of color. And I don't think it is working for me. I have mousy brown hair (I don't color it - can't justify it to the husband), and sort of hazel eyes. So no strong, striking feature to take away from the sheer whiteness of my face. I'm talking Tilda Swinton (or even more pale, if that's possible) but I do not have her striking red hair. And I don't think I look good with red lipstick.
I have some of that "gradual glow" lotion, but I don't think that is going to cut it. I think I decided that I don't really like that stuff. I mean, I like the results when I use it several times and to enhance the slight tint I get in the summer, but I don't like using it as my everyday moisturizer because I don't think it moisturizes enough. So most of the time, I just use regular lotion (therefore, not having time to build a gradual, subtle glow with the other stuff). I need to find a good, natural looking bronzer that will give me results right away.
Posted by Chelsea at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Beauty
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Still Winter
It's funny how I kept talking about spring and summer coming. I think it was because we had a little heatwave here - temperatures in the 60s! That certainly felt like spring and summer some days with the sun shining and everything. My dog relished going on walks again (she's a little one, so she doesn't handle anything below 50 very well).
Anyway, yesterday the high was about 13* F with snow flurries throughout the day. Talk about a wake up call. Yep, still January. Winter was just on a little vacation.
I have enjoyed the winter more here than I have in the past (this is my first winter in this particular state).
Maybe I'll be back on track with my clothing mindset.
Posted by Chelsea at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Seasons
Friday, January 23, 2009
So ... I did it.
I bought the dress. The one I posted on November 18. I kept looking at it online and watching the price go down and a few days ago I tried it on in store. I hadn't fully decided until yesterday afternoon that I really had to have it. After text messaging back and forth to my mom and sister.
Here are some of the things we said:
I sent my mom a picture of me in the dressing room, wearing the dress and she said
"OMG! You look just like the model. It is beautiful!"
Then later she said, "I keep looking at this. It is so pretty!"
I told her that my husband and I decided that I could either have the dress or a new pair of jeans, to which she responded,
"Get the dress! Have him take you out to a nice dinner!"
"Dad just saw the dress. He said "It's a no brainer" between that and jeans! You look fabulous!"
Then my sister: "I saw a picture of you in that dress! So cute! You got it, I hope. It's like the most perfect dress for you!"
So, as you can see - I needed that dress. And it was discounted even further by the time I got to the store today to buy it (after calling last night to have them hold it).
Here I am - the proud owner of a silk dress. Was $150. Marked down to $23.99.I really hope this dress lasts me a while and becomes a classic in my wardrobe (and really hoping that I can get back to this size someday after I have children).
Posted by Chelsea at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Spring and Summer, Cont.
OK, I think I need help. Do these shoes look at all old-ladyish? I think after the purse thing, I just have a strong desire to not resemble my, or anyone else's, mother.
In the collage of sandals on the previous post, I like the top two the most, I think. The top left corner one is pretty much nowhere to be found unless you are a size 6 foot, which I am absolutely not. The top right corner is hard to find in that color. The bronze version is easier to find right now. I think I would prefer a light colored shoe for the summer, but since they are all essentially sandals, I suppose it doesn't matter.
Anyway, onto my latest pick:The price is right, they look fairly comfortable, and they have a little sparkle. I'm just not sure about that wide top strap. And perhaps the heel/sole are a little too comfortable-looking. Do they look young and fresh and befitting a recent college grad?
Posted by Chelsea at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Spring and Summer are Coming
I know it's still January, but I am trying to be in transition mode. I am trying to ease myself out of the outerwear/sweater obsession.
So lately I have been thinking about summer footwear. I don't really have any summery shoes. Well, I have a pair of low-top sneakers and a couple pairs of ballet flats. But I don't have any open-toed shoes. I need some, right? After all, I threw away my crocs, remember?
Here are some of the ones I have been looking at. I obviously am a sucker for sparkly things.Hmm, I wonder if I will "grow out of" this sparkly embellishment fondness. I better start trying stuff on if I am going to find something that doesn't itch and drive me nuts on the top of my foot.
Notice how none of these sandals have those paper thin soles? I seriously don't know how people stand to walk around in those. So, I haven't completely given up on comfort in favor of fashion...
Posted by Chelsea at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
One Easy Step
I am starting to wish I had some decent dresses. They are so easy to put on and look put together. Well, that is, easy if they fit and are cut well. I have two dresses but one just isn't very good quality and the fit leaves something to be desired. I am finding that being thin is somewhat harder to dress than everyone normally thinks (including myself). I don't have much shape and many stores just don't go small enough.
Anyway, I wish I had a couple of decent dresses.
Exhibit A - From Francesca's CollectionsI would love to wear this one if/when I go back to France to visit my host family, if it's in the spring or summer.
Exhibit B - From Shabby AppleI don't have that elusive, perfect black dress. I really like the style of this one.
Exhibit C - Also from Shabby AppleI'm not entirely sure what this one would be, but I love it. A lot. Something sort of fancy, but different from the typical black. I love gray. This one looked so good on the model, who seemed to have a similar body type to me.
Of course, I still love those ones from Banana Republic, but they are very fancy, holiday party type dresses. Not anything I really need (despite being on clearance *sigh*).
Posted by Chelsea at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Clothes
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's Official
Sorry for the grossness of this picture, but I am making a statement.I threw away the crocs. Well, actually they are not even the Croc brand. Some grocery store knock-off that I had to buy for a job in Hawaii once (don't ask). I didn't mind them too much - hey, they really were comfortable - so I kept them (my roommate threw them away as soon as we quit that job). They are now about 2 and a half years old.
My husband saw them in the trash when he went to throw something away and he said "Oh. Crocs in the trash? Are they getting worn out or you just don't like them anymore?"
I said, "Um yeah. They are kind of old now. . . *pause* You know I can't wear those anymore!"
Yes, he knows as well as I do that with the new knowledge I have of style and taste, I cannot wear those anymore. I just can't. My tastes have changed, I suppose. I just can't see me wearing those anymore. I don't think I judge people who do wear them, but they aren't really me anymore. So I decided to make certain that I would not revert to my old ways.
Posted by Chelsea at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
I need a trench coat. That should probably be the next thing I invest in. I don't know when that will be, but I like to keep things in mind. I also like to think about the styles I like, because even though a trench is a trench, there are a lot of different styles to choose from. I love this one I found on a blog. She says the photo is from a 1974 Burberry advertisement. I am kind of on a 60s-70s kick right now, but I think this style stands the test of time.
I also like this one, by Tahari ( I found it a long time ago on Overstock, but I think it sold out).I like this color for me and my needs. I also like this lapel style. I have a small upper body, so I like the big lapels. As always, wear what is best on your body type and coloring.
Posted by Chelsea at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I got my purse the other day and I love it. LOVE it. Every time I see it slung over the back of a chair I am happy that I bought it and that it's mine. I am a little obsessed with gray right now. I think it might be the perfect neutral. This purse makes me feel young and chic, even though it is practical and versatile. And I no longer match my MIL or grandma.
Posted by Chelsea at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Post-holiday sales may be the death of my budget
I really like these shoes. They come in black and brown. And gray and purple! I love colorful shoes, but I should probably get some versatile ones before I start buying all the colorful flats and pumps that I see.Here is a side view of the brown. I love heels like this.
(steve madden women's bleekerr low wedge flat)
Posted by Chelsea at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Shoes
Monday, January 5, 2009
Let Me Tell You About the Very Rich
If I ever am someday rich, I would love love love to invest in some boots from Duo. They custom fit the knee-high boots to fit any size calf. I can never find boots that fit my (too thin) calves. Most clothing stores have petites, some even sell things for taller gals. Why can't they do that for knee-high boots? Regular, large, small? They make wide-width shoes! I think it is equally frustrating for thin-calved ladies as it is for those of a slightly larger calf size.
Posted by Chelsea at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Shoes
Multi Bags for Multi Purposes
I wrote about my need for a new handbag recently. After the holidays spent with families, I got even more serious about it (maybe it had something to do with staying at my in-laws house and seeing, once again, that my MIL's purse is a little too similar for comfort).
After we got back home, I went ahead and ordered the bag I wanted from Handbag Heaven. I really love this site. Just dedicated to handbags. Free shipping. Copious options in color, style, size, shape, print, embellishments... Etc. My bag is scheduled to come on Wednesday (and I can't find it there anymore, so it must have sold out). But looking around on the website, I can't help but be inspired and picture myself having the perfect bag for all occasions.
When traveling for the holidays, sometimes I wish I had a larger bag. Something to accommodate all my in-flight needs. A magazine, a book, a water bottle, snacks of some sort (I am not a fan of peanuts or most other airline snacks), all my everyday purse essentials and maybe even a laptop or other junk that I don't want to check. A lot to demand of a purse, I know.
But this one at Handbag Heaven looks like it might just do the job. It reminds me of a Birkin Bag (which is probably the idea) and I know I will never own one of those (really don't need to, either). But I like the size and structure of this bag. My only wish is that they would make it in more colors (all they offer is creamy white, gray and black).As much as I love real leather, I do like the idea of wipe-clean leatherette. And I love the inexpensiveness of it as well, as I tend to tire of my purses after awhile. I think that faux leather has come a long way, so hopefully no one will judge me for having it.
I also like this one, for different purposes. It works as an overnight bag, gym bag, perhaps a baby bag. It definitely is not sleek or streamlined, but I like the print and shape of it. I've never been a leopard print person (don't know why), but this is an animal print I can see me doing.Honestly, when I travel I usually take a separate bag for toiletries. This one would be a cute option for that kind of thing. Shampoo, conditioner, hairdryer, face wash, moisturizer, contact solution, etc etc... I'm not very good at going without these things (high-maintenance?). I tried to do without a few of my bathroom staples on our last trip and it was not pretty. My skin was really irritated, dry, flaking, etc. I just need my own stuff.
Posted by Chelsea at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Maybe I Think About the Future Too Much
Since my style has been evolving, I have been looking down at my everyday casual shoes and not liking them as much. They're ok, I just don't see them as me very much anymore. I have had several pairs of these shoes and have always loved their comfort - it is truly second to none (that I have tried). And while comfort is still important, I think I would like something a little more grown up and something that didn't make my pants bunch up funny because of how big the shoes are.
I have also been thinking about the "mom shoe". Someday I do plan on having kids. Comfort will take on a whole new level of importance, I am sure. But I also think that looking halfway decent will take on a new level of importance because when you think you look good, you feel good and confidence is half the battle.
I have found a few options that I want to file away for someday when I am in the market for new shoes and also when I am a mom and I might forget that comfort can be cute also.
Here is the first option I found.
And another one, similar to the first.
Keen has some cool options too.
Posted by Chelsea at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
I always get a little misty at midnight, celebrating the new year. I don't know why. It's just exciting and optimistic and I am with my husband, whom I love dearly. I've always kind of wanted to go to or host a lavish New Year's Eve party. I like the idea of fancy parties, but I don't really have any friends who are into that kind of thing. Is it a Mormon thing? I mean I hear about people needing a new outfit for "holiday parties" and "little black dresses" and stuff like that, but Mormons just don't do that for some reason. So it seems, anyway. Maybe it's because of the stage we are at in life . My husband and I and most of our friends have very tight budgets and none of us have party dresses and nice suits. Or glamorous accessories.
I guess I will plan and dream for when we are "grown up" - out of debt, out of school, and we have at least one kid that is old enough to babysit the others so we can get dressed up and go to a party.
I did get a little prettied up for last night. We spent New Year's Eve at a friend's apartment. They are married and have two small children, (in bed for the festivities). We played games and ate snacks and watched the ball drop in New York. I dressed in my new black cashmere sweater, new black pearl necklace (on sale at Kohl's the day before), trouser jeans, and nails painted silver. I felt so great (I am in love with my first cashmere sweater). I really do love to look nice.
I am really excited for this year. It's fun to be an "established couple" and not so much newly-weds anymore (well, some people probably think we still are but we've been together for three years). I am going to try to stay optimistic and happy and keep my house in order. I am glad we are halfway done with the first year of law school! This semester will go by fast, right?
Posted by Chelsea at 10:03 AM 0 comments