Recently I posted this long-winded post about how there's all this stuff I need, especially winter stuff. Now I can check one or two off that list and I am so glad.
I ordered two wool skirts, a gray one and a light brown one. Warm and neutral and should last me a long time.
The best part is that they were a steal. Compared to most wool skirts out there. I could hardly find any for under $70. That kind of money is just not in the budget right now. I found these skirts, the perfect skirts, on Etsy (from this seller)! It's usually not the first place I think to look, but every time I do look, I am so pleasantly surprised. Cocktail ring - check; Wool skirts - check; Knit beret - check. All hand made and very reasonably priced (so far I have only bought those skirts for myself and a ring for my mom for x-mas).
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wardrobe Staples Follow-Up
Posted by Chelsea at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Winter is definitely here. Sunday gave us below zero temperatures. I think that may have been my first experience with that kind of cold.
I also live in a very dry climate and it feels worse when it is that cold. I hate dry skin. It bothers me every winter and I never feel like I really conquer it. This year, I found something that works like nothing else ever has.
I made a paste of olive oil and salt and I scrub down in the shower. It is amazing. Better than any product I've ever bought. I don't even need much lotion afterward. It scrubs off the dead skin and instantly moisturizes. I am babysoft. I think the natural olive oil absorbs much better into my skin than petroleum-based lotions so the moisture lasts longer. Something I always keep in the house and pretty budget-friendly!
Posted by Chelsea at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
There's Always Something
There's always something to want (or need, depending on your perspective). I suppose that is one reason I have this blog. To write about the wants and needs and just sort of get it out of my system so I wouldn't think about it too much. And also just to post pretty things I like I guess.
When I gave the curious loved ones ideas of what I could use for Christmas, I was done at that time. I had just gone major shopping recently and got a few new tops, pants, and even a rug for my living room. So at that time I felt like there really wasn't much that I needed or even wanted. So I came up with a few things I liked, a few affordable little things. Lip gloss, gel blush, a necklace (under $30), oh I don't know.
But now that winter is here, I keep thinking of stuff I should have asked for instead. Some of those warm essentials that I posted a few posts ago. Some warmer skirts, woolly socks, cashmere, a new coat. I just keep thinking of things. It's terrible and I hate that I am so materialistic. I wasn't always this way. I think part of it is that I really can't buy things unless we need them. And even then we can't afford some things. I mentioned that my puffy jacket is no longer puffy and warm because it was low quality to begin with. But I really don't think we could afford to get me a new puffy down jacket. If it's beyond the basic food and shelter and car maintenance, we really cannot justify it.
Another part of my problem is that I have too much time on my hands. Time to care about fashion and cute things. I am done with school and I finished the internship I was doing and I'm in that awkward in between stage where I don't feel like I can get a job and then immediately ask for ten days off at Christmas time (we are spending a long time at my in-laws this year).
Anyway, that has sort of been on my mind for a while. Especially at this time of year when I am reminded of my faith and the real things that I believe in at Christmas time. I know I have been given and blessed with so much. I know we are lucky to have enough for our needs. We are lucky that my husband does have a good job and that he is able to work during law school. I am grateful that we are even able to travel to see our families at Christmas this year. Heck, I am just grateful that we have happy family relationships.
Posted by Chelsea at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, Frustration, Me
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Perhaps I am Showing My Age with This
As in, too young to not be annoyed by it... But I actually kind of like it. It got me curious about what the stuff smells like, at least. It immediately caught my eye. Although, doesn't it seem a little early to be showcasing a lovely, spring-y feel? The holidays are not quite finished.
Posted by Chelsea at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Cute
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I'm Sure You Already Know, But Just in Case You Don't
Old Navy has cashmere now! I have not seen/felt it in person, so I cannot tell you about the quality or softness. But for $69.50 (and on sale this weekend!), it is worth a look. I seriously want some cashmere and this may be a good start for me, on our law student budget.
Posted by Chelsea at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wardrobe Staples
Lately, I have been getting mildly obsessed with essential, timeless pieces. I am starting to feel like I have gaping wholes in my wardrobe. And since it is getting cold, most of the items I think I need are cold-weather items.
I don't have any great sweaters that will last forever. I don't have any cashmere!! How can I not have any cashmere? I really want a few cashmere sweaters in neutral colors and a few in pretty colors. Black, gray, white, pink, teal, plum. Neutrals will always stand the test of time and colors will brighten up those days of winter when you are soo ready for it to be over and everything around you seems gray or white or brown. I know this seems to go without saying, but it was something I had to learn - always buy colors that flatter your skin tone, regardless of what is in style or how cute the cut is.
Anyway, I also need tweed skirts in neutral colors, to pair with sweaters and blouses in pretty colors. One of my problems is that I grew up in Arizona and now I live in the mountain west. So, in Arizona I didn't need all these winter wardrobe basics and in college, I rarely went shopping and even if I did, I knew nothing about winter wardrobe staples (yes, it's true - moving to a snowy climate does not automatically teach you what you need to wear to survive the snow). I got a down jacket when my dad took me up to college freshman year, but it was . . . less than cute. Back then, I didn't know what was flattering or that a winter jacket could even be cute and flattering. When I went to France for a semester abroad, I bought a cute jacket there, but it was about 9 euros and not the highest quality. Now, three years later, I am realizing it is time to retire that one because the polyester fill has gotten thin and flat and it no longer insulates well.
So, since I just love to look at things, I made collages of the things I need to fill out my winter wardrobe.This actually makes me kind of excited for winter!
Posted by Chelsea at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wishlist Item #287
Months ago, I fell in love with a bracelet at Nordstrom Rack. It was delicate and lovely and I didn't know where else I could find it so I didn't bother asking for it for Christmas. I went back a few weeks later and it was still there.
Last night my husband was asking me to give him ideas for Christmas that I hadn't told everyone else (I'm pretty sure my parents and his parents got the same list/collage). I had a hard time thinking of anything, mainly because I know that our budget is very very tight. (Kicking myself for putting the cheap and/or moderately priced items on my list that went out to the fams and keeping the expensive stuff in my head)
Eventually, I thought of this bracelet that i had admired many moons ago. I told him about it late at night after he was home. He said that he actually went to N. Rack to look for it in the last week or two but it was not there. *tear* But he also wasn't entirely sure if he remembered what it looked like.
So now it is on my mind and I felt I should post it on here as a sort "getting it out into the universe" thing...
I found one online that looks very much like (if not exactly like) the one I loved at Nordstrom Rack.Isn't it so pretty?
Posted by Chelsea at 3:31 PM 0 comments