Monday, November 24, 2008

A Rule

I keep thinking about that teal coat I posted here a while back. I keep wanting it. So, the other day I thought I would check to see when I originally posted it, lusting after it. I told myself that unless it had been at least two weeks, I couldn't justify buying it (or asking Santa for it). When I checked, it had been three weeks.
Three weeks and still wanting. I would say that's a pretty good rule. Although I am starting to wonder if maybe I will feel dumb after the colorful coat trend passes... Will I someday be embarrassed that I have a turquoise coat? Will it become the acid washed, elastic cuffed jeans of tomorrow?
I am not sure. But today I was playing around and I made this. Here is that coat, with that purse, with jeans and boots that I already have. *sigh*