Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving"

Sometimes I can't wait to grow up. OK, I'll admit my age. I'm 22. Sometimes I stress about getting old and how I will never look this good again and I'm going to get fat and wrinkly, etc. But it seems like lately, age isn't what it used to be. People are even going so far as to say "40 is the new 20". I kind of want to believe that.
There are some things that I look forward to about getting older. I sometimes feel like I don't get as much respect or people don't take me seriously because of my age. But more than that, I think there's a sense of self that comes with age. A certain wisdom and comfort in your own skin.

I go through identity crises regularly and I hope that as I get older, those will eventually diminish and perhaps disappear altogether. I don't know how to pinpoint myself. What defines me? Part of me has always liked being a little eclectic, hard to pigeon-hole and unpredictable. I suppose I will always enjoy being a little unpredictable. It's a sign of well-roundedness, right? And the feminine mystique . . .

What I hope happens is that I feel comfortable and confident in my thirties. Come into my own, really know who I am and what I like. My style has undergone a major overhaul and I am reinventing myself a little this year. Just working towards the "knowing who I am" stage in life, I guess. Let's just hope I can age gracefully (heck, I have eschewed the sun enough! It better pay off).