Friday, January 30, 2009

Before I even got to know you...

Domino magazine is closing. I am not as heartbroken as many other female bloggers out there, because I've actually never read the magazine. Magazines are something I rarely indulge in with our budget. I have my blogs, so I know enough about Domino to say that I really did want to get into that magazine eventually. I liked what I saw online, shared by others.

So yesterday I bought the January issue. I've thumbed through it a bit, but not enough to give my opinion. Pretty colors, promising headlines (especially the one about organization), it does seem like my kind of magazine.

A few thoughts:
I kind of wonder if, as someone commenting on Design*Sponge said, "I guess websites just make more sense in the 21st century, but I still like being able to look at the visuals and read articles in magazines… at least some of the time."

However, an article I read said this," In this group, the competition is always keen to see who could be the first to get the next issue of Domino and post photos from the edition."

So, could it have been cursed by the internet and readers posting pictures and ideas from it, so people like me didn't have to ever buy the magazine, but could get a taste of it? Obviously, people are not posting everything from Domino online, and the economy is not helping anyone (hello temp agency for me). Just a thought I had. Oh well, at least we have the book. I sure hope that doesn't go out of print. Also, the magazine will be published through March.